Vobabulary Nª 7: about Bones

Building vocabulary: Medical English
Anatomy: Bones
Outcome: By the end of the lesson you will be able to use the apostrophe “’s” to indicate possession and talk about your family.
Take a short quiz
How much do you know about your bones? Find out by taking this quiz?
1.   What’s the smallest bone in the body?
a.   Patella
b.   Stirrup
c.   Thigh 
d.   Teeny
2.   Bones meet at:
a.   Joints
b.   Ligaments
c.   A local restaurant 
d.   The rib cage
3.   How many bones does an adult human have?
a.   500
b.   110
c.   206
d.   55
4.   The bones in your spine are called:
a.   Cartilage
b.   Little bones  
c.   Ribs
d.   Vertebrae
5.   The patella is located in the:
a.   Knee   
b.   Foot  
c.   Ear
d.   Elbow
6.   What’s in the center of a bone?
a.   Cream filling
b.   Compact bone
c.   Cancellous bone
d.   Bone marrow
7. Your bones will stop growing by the time you’re:
a.   93
b.   25
c.   30
d.   13
8. How many bones are in the spine?
a.   1 million 
b.   65
c.   26
d.   14
9. The _______ bone protects your brain.
a.   tail
b.   shin
c.   back
d.   skull      
10.  The rib cage protects your:.
a.   Liver
b.   Heart
c.   Lungs 
d.   All of the above

1.    b) stirrup   
2.    a) Joints
3.   c) 206          
4. d) Vertebrae
5.     a) Knee      
6.   d) Bone
7.   b) 25
 8.  c) 26       
9.d) Skull
10.   d) All

Wocabulary  on bones

As human, your body anatomy consists of several systems. Systems are combination of organs that will run several function. One of systems in your body is skeletal system or bone structure. This system has function to keep mineral, it also can be a place where the muscles attach, it can be used as place of forming blood cells, and your bone will protect ur soft organs such as lungs, heart, and etc. It is important for you to know well about bone anatomy human. However your bone is also known for its function to support the shape of your body.
You need to know that the bones that is owned by adult and baby is different. When theyy are a baby then they would have a less number of bones, in the other hand, the adults will have more bones than the baby. Bone anatomy human can be divided into two kinds. They are axial skeleton and appendicular skeletone. Here you will know the different between both of them. Axial skeleton is a group of bones that make up the axle of body and it also supports your body. The bones around your head will give protect to the organ in your head such as brain. Besides it also protect organs in your neck. Those bones include skull bones, rib, breatsbone, and spine.
Then you will get to know about appendicular skeleton. Appendicular skeleton have bones around 126 bnones. This bones are composed of bones which are considered as the addition of axial skeleton. These are bones which are included in appendicular skeleton. They are upper limbs and lower limbs, pelvis or pelvic girdle, and pectoral girdles. This kind of bone anatony human has function to make you possible doing locomotion and it also will protect organs of disgetion, reproduction, and excretion.

Interactive bone anatomy

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