Vocabulary N° 9: on muscles

Building vocabulary: Medical English
Anatomy: The muscles
Take a short quiz
How much do you know about muscles? Find out by taking this quiz?
1.   The three major types of muscles in the body are:
a.   Smooth muscle, sports muscles, and skeletal muscles
b.   Smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and skeletal muscle
c.   Smooth muscle, running muscle, and face muscles
d.   Smooth muscle, flexible muscle, and strength muscle

2.   The muscle that pumps blood throughout your body is:
a.   Skeletal muscle
b.   Smooth muscle
c.   Valentine muscle
d.   Cardiac muscle

3.   Which muscle helps move your shoulders?
a.   Smooth muscle
b.   Deltoid muscle
c.   Quadriceps
d.   Tendons

4.   Which type of muscle is found in your digestive system?
a.   Rectus abdominus
b.   Cardiac muscle
c.   Smooth muscle
d.   Stomach muscles

5.   What connects bones and muscles together?
a.   Tendons
b.   Ligaments
c.   Glue
d.   Cartilage
6.   Skeletal muscles work with bones to give your body:
a.   Strength
b.   The ability to move
c.   Strength and the ability to move
d.   None of the above

7.   Some of your biggest and most powerful muscles are:

a.   In your calves and thighs
b.   In your back near your spine
c.   In your arms
d.   In your fingers

8.   Which muscles are found on the front of your thighs?
a.   Quadriceps
b.   Biceps
c.   Pectorals
d.   Deltoids

9.   Which muscles are found in your belly and sometimes called “abs”? 

a.   Pectorals
b.   Quadriceps
c.   Deltoids
d.   Rectus abdominus

10.   When you make a muscle in your arm, you are flexing your:

a.   Pectorals
b.   Biceps
c.   Deltoids
d.   Rectus abdominus

1.   b 
2.  d
1.  b          
2.   c
1.    a     
6.   c
7.   b            
 8. a      
 9.   d
  10.   b

Wocabulary  on parts of the human body 

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